Token Distribution

Distribution of the tokens is handeled on the admin page ‘Tokens’. On the page the admin can add tokens to the realm, users and projects. To add token to the realm just click the add tokens button and specify the amount to add. For users and projects you can click the corrensponding entry in the table and adjust* the amount of tokens that the user/project has access to.
* Please note that the amount of tokens will be adjusted to the given amount, not added to the current amount.

Recurring Tasks

Recurring tasks can be used to distribute tokens to a certain User, Project or User Group at a customizable periodicity.

Add Recurring Task


  • Assign Type: Will the task distribute tokens for a single User, a single Project or all users in a User Group?

  • Assign To: Select the single User, Project or User Group which the task will affect.

  • First Run: When is the task going to run for the first time? Choosing current, or an earlier, date will make the task run directly.

  • Running Periodicity: How often will the task run?

  • Tokens: Number of tokens to be distributed, to each reciever, everytime the task runs.